Thursday, December 10, 2020

Merry Christmas Wordsearch

 I translated "Merry Christmas" into other languages and made a wordsearch. See if you can find all the words.

Monday, December 7, 2020

What is my Christmas Object

It is a man, but cannot walk

Sunburn is deadly to it

It smells carrots

What is it?

Riddle the Second
What flies when it is born, lies while it is alive and runs when it dies?

Riddle #3
What is killed, and then decorated?

Friday, November 27, 2020

Huhu Bug Life Cycle

 We had an activity where we had to draw the life cycle of a huhu bug from a text. I drew four labeled pictures (eggs, grub, larvae and adult bug) with arrows pointing to the next stage.


 Each Wednesday morning, the year 7s and 8s go to the high school to do tech. This week is my second to last week of tech and I am doing woodwork. I have just finished a wooden amplifier. Next week I want to make a chopping board.

Friday, November 6, 2020


 This week, our class focused on percentages of a number. We learnt how to find 10%, half it to find 5%, and then add the two together to make 15%. The next day we learnt how to find 1% and find other numbers by add 5%'s, 10%'s and 1%'s.

NZ Disasters

 This week for literacy our class had an option of space or New Zealand disasters. I chose to work on New Zealand disasters. We had a site with links to information on the Tangawai disaster, the Mount Erebus disaster, the Strongman mine disaster, the Spanish flu, and the Wahine disaster.

Friday, October 30, 2020

PrEP 2020

 I wrote a letter to a teacher for PrEP. PrEP is where the whole school creates things and sells them at the end of PrEP. There are specialists roles such as banker, policemen, warehouse, and the advertising agency. I My letter was ot the teacher that is running the bank this year. and I got accepted into the bank.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Prototec T4 W3

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete three level eight Prototec tests a week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Athletics 2020

 My school had athletics last week. I participated in all the activities. We had high jump at school the day before. The next day, we walked to Anzac Park and did 1200m, 60m, 100m, shotput, discus and long jump. We took the bus back to school.

High Jump

Monday, October 19, 2020

Prototec T4 W2

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete three level eight Prototec tests a week.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Loch Ness Monster

 This week, our class read four texts about the Loch Ness Monster. Then we created a google my map and marked Loch Ness. Then we had to write a paragraph about if we believed the Loch Ness monster is real based on the information in the texts.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Prototec T4 W1

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete three level eight Prototec tests a week.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Prototec T3 W10

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete 3 level 8 Prototec tests a week.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Prototec T3 W9

These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete 3 level 8 Prototec tests a week. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Lockdown Description

 Today I wrote a piece of descriptive writing about my experiences during lockdown. I included my senses and what they sensed. I also included what I felt during lockdown. I will write this on paper then at it to a photo of me.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Wk8 Word Problems

 These are my word problems for this week. They were focused on finding fraction of a number, 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication & adding and subtracting decimals.

Prototec T3 W8

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete 3 level eight Prototec tests a week.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Reading Synthesis

For reading this week, my class has been focusing on the question; "Is Pluto a planet?" We read 5 texts and analysed 3 of them on a synthesis chart. After gathering information, we gave our informed opinion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Prototec T3 W7

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete three level eight Prototec tests a week.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Prototec T3 W6

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete two level eight Prototec tests a week.

Maths Word Problems

 Each week, I get a google doc with word problems on it. I work out the questions in my maths book and write the answers on a my copy of the doc.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Fun Photos

 I took a picture of myself then removed the background using I found a scene from Unsplash and added the picture of me and rotated it. Then I made another image.

Prototec T3 W5

 These are my Prototec results results for this week. I complete 3 level 8 Prototec tests a week.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Explanation Writing Again

We are going to write three pieces of explanation writing. Here is my second one about why processed meat is bad for you. I have revised it according to the success criteria.

Prototec T3 W4

 These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete three Prototec tests a week.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Prototec T3 W3

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete three Prototec tests a week.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Kei te Pehea Koe?

For Maori today, we researched answers to "Kei te Pēhea Koe?" (How are you feeling.) I made a drawing with my results:

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Carnival Comprehension

I had to read a text on carnivals and answer questions about the text and write a short story about carnivals.

Prototec T3 W2

This is my Prototec results for this week. I do 3 Prototec tests a week.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Explanation Writing Draft

We are learning to write explanation writing. We do a topic starting with why or how. We were shown a level 3, 4 & 5 pieces of explanation writing. My topic was "why we die of old age."

Prototec T3 W1

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete one level 8 test a week. I have to take different screenshots now.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Pet Day

This is my google drawing on how to introduce my (sister's) pet for pet day in Maori:

Monday, June 29, 2020

T2 W12 Prototec

These are my Prototec results for this week. I complete five level eight Prototec tasks a week


This week's Whanau Time was focused on resilience. I made a google drawing about resilience and how I am resilient.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Prototec T2 W11

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete 1 level 8 Prototec task a day.

Buddy Reading

Every afternoon this week, we've been going to our Waka Groups. Then we've been given a team A partner to read to. I was partnered with Mack from P3. On Thursday, Mack was away so I was partnered with Zenith.

Book Day

Today was Book Day. Everyone dressed up as a book character, and there was a parade in the hall where pupils and teachers displayed their costumes. I came as The Boy In The Dress.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Prototec T2 W10

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete one level eight test a day.

Information Report Paragraph

I wrote a central paragraph of an information report. The paragraph had to be on an aspect of sharks or Sydney.

Pharaoh Art

This is my completed pharaoh art. I took a photo of me and drew on it with oil pastels to make it look like a pharaoh. I also wrote my name in hieroglyphics.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Mars Comprehension

I read a text on Mars and answered questions about the text for my weekly reading comprehension activity.

Information Report

During this week and the last, we have been writing information reports about a country and an animal. I wrote about a country last week (New Zealand) and this week I am writing about a animal called the Fossa.

T2 W9 Prototec

This is my Prototec results for this week. I completed five, level 8 Prototec tests a week.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Picasso Art

We have been studying Picasso in term 1. In term 2, we have been making a Picasso styled artwork. Here is mine:

Information Report

This week my class have been learning about information reports. We used this template:

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Prototec T2 W8

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete one Prototec test a day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

T2 W7 Vocab

I completed a vocab task with words from a text about conspiracy theories. I had to define the words and then use them in a sentence.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Book Review

I wrote a review on a book series I enjoy, encouraging people to read it. I choose One Piece for my book series.

Prototec T2 W7

Here is my Prototec results for this week. I complete one Prototec test a day on level 8.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pharaoh Art

For art, we will be drawing on a side-on picture of our heads to make ourselves look like a pharaoh. First we had to research pharaohs and what headgear they wore. This is my research:

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


I have been practising for Westamaths, a mathematics competition with schools across the West Coast. Here are my practice questions:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Prototec T2 W5

This is my Prototec results for this week. I complete one Prototec test a day.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Transport in the Future Cloze

This is a cloze I completed.

Titanic Vocab

Here is my vocab with words from a text on the Titanic.

What Sank the Titanic


I created a DLO about how buoyancy works.

T2 W5 Prototec

Here is my Prototec results for this week. I complete 1 Prototec sheet a day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

T2 W4 Reading Comprehension

I read a text and answered questions about the text.

Writing T2 W4

I wrote a show, not tell piece of writing about Autumn.

T2 W4 Vocab

I completed a vocab about a day of the dead text and I created a wordsearch with those words.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

T2 W4 Prototec

This is my prototec results for this week. I complete one prototec quiz a day.

T2 W4 Probability

This week, I completed a workbook on probability.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Maths T2 W3

For maths this week, I completed a perimeter, area & volume workbook.

Writing T2 W3

I wrote a story about waking up on a school morning. I described what my senses felt.

Reading T2 W3

For reading this week, I completed a vocab test and some questions about a text of the history of LEGO.

Friday, April 24, 2020


This is my prototec results for this week. I complete one set a day.


I wrote a character description from a format.


For writing, my class had to write about a place that was special to us. Click. We had to use the senses to describe the place.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


For reading tasks, I have read a text on Antarctica and then completed a cloze, a vocab task and questions about the text. During the definition task, I learnt a few new words like "volatile" and "myriad."


I have been learning about area. I completed some Mathbuddy tasks on it as well as this slide. There is a link to a DLO on the last slide.

Friday, April 17, 2020


For writing this week we wrote a story about a hide and seek experience we have. We also had to write about our senses.

Thursday, April 16, 2020


I did some work on perimeters on mathsbuddy as well as this slide.

Friday, March 27, 2020


I wrote a story in isolation.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

King Tides


I created a sestina poem of the template of William Carlos Willaims' Just to Say."

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


We wrote 2 limericks for St Patricks day. I wrote these:

Jerry eats lots of big macs
He buys them in extra large packs
When he sat on a chair
It snapped right there
Like it had been sliced by an axe

There once was a man called Shane
Whose beard was a world-class mane
It caught on fire
And it was really quite dire

As his fame went down the drain

Monday, March 16, 2020

Camp My Map

This is a google my map I created about travelling back from Mistletoe Bay. We travelled 400 km back.