Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Superpower

This week, a career adviser (Shoshy) came to our school. We are looking at our strengths and interests, and what skills they give us. Here is a drawing I made about my "Superpower."

Friday, October 18, 2019

Shake Out

This week, Greymain had a Shake Out (earthquake/tsunami drill.) We ducked, covered and held through the "shaking." After the "shaking" stopped, we evacuated to higher ground. The Shake Out was being held all around NZ.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This week my class has started Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS). Yesterday, we were given a situation involving being peer pressured into under aged drinking and smoking. We got into groups of around 3 and thought up possible actions and consequences. We then decided the best course of action and shared that with the class.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rugby world cup

On Monday, Greymain divided into teams of 10-15 and were each dubbed a country. The teams rotated around activities and played against other teams. The  top three teams that scored the most points overall were recognised and given chocolate as a prize.