Friday, December 6, 2019


Here are 5 rules for cyber safety.
Treat everything on the internet like it's in real life.
Don't  show personal information to everyone. #privacy settings
Use strong passwords
Use different passwords
Use an up-to-date antivirus program

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Trump's Wall

I am against Trump's wall. I believe that building a wall could start protests and possibly war. It is also incredibly racist and uninclusive.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Water Project

About 300 million people in Africa alone don't have access to clean water. This creates illnesses and deaths. In fact, more people are killed by lack of clean water than all wars combined!
The Water Project is a charitable organisation that helps communities find clean water.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pros and con of being Garry Kasparov

1. Being Famous
2. Being good at chess
3. You good get paid for doing something you enjoy

1. Everyone having high expectations for you
2. You wouldn't see your family much
3. You would get critisized


Tena koutou katoa
ko parahaki toku maunga
ko hatea toku awa
no Whangarei ahau
ko Bull toku whanau
ko Lachlan toku matua
ko Laura toku whaea
ko Jacob toku ingoa
no reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Friday, November 29, 2019

Business Card

This term, a career advisor has been doing sessions with my class. This is a business card I made stating my strengths.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Maslow Triangle

Here is a Google Drawing I made about the Maslow Triangle.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Equivalent Fraction DLO

This week, my class has been learning about equivalent fractions. Here is my link.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Superpower

This week, a career adviser (Shoshy) came to our school. We are looking at our strengths and interests, and what skills they give us. Here is a drawing I made about my "Superpower."

Friday, October 18, 2019

Shake Out

This week, Greymain had a Shake Out (earthquake/tsunami drill.) We ducked, covered and held through the "shaking." After the "shaking" stopped, we evacuated to higher ground. The Shake Out was being held all around NZ.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This week my class has started Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS). Yesterday, we were given a situation involving being peer pressured into under aged drinking and smoking. We got into groups of around 3 and thought up possible actions and consequences. We then decided the best course of action and shared that with the class.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rugby world cup

On Monday, Greymain divided into teams of 10-15 and were each dubbed a country. The teams rotated around activities and played against other teams. The  top three teams that scored the most points overall were recognised and given chocolate as a prize.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Term 3 Reflection

This was my first term at Greymain. I made some friends and I think I've settled in well. I enjoyed West-a & Canta maths. I also liked lunchtime. Even though I didn't exactly love Wearable Arts, I felt quite proud as our model walked through the limelight. Next term, I want to join a sports club, I guess.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wearable Arts

Today is the last day of wearable arts and my group (me, Geordie, Simon and Levi B) have finished!!!
We finished the final reflection for the book-work and fixed a prop. Simon (our model) tried the costume on and it looked pretty good. We send the doc to be printed and we have finished our speech.
Wearable arts wasn't too bad and we got everything-ish done.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Math; Prototec

Most of the time, for basic facts I use prototec. Prototec is an online free site where you can practice basic facts.
Here is my evidence for prototec this week.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

PReP Banker

I am a banker for PReP. At the bank, we check our assigned classes to see who is there and make note of who is there and getting paid and who isn't. For mini market, I checked out how much money my class wanted (for mini market) and gave it to them. My most stressful day was mini market.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Maths Buddy: Directions

This week in maths buddy, we worked on directions. Here are some of the questions:

I also worked on some coordinates:

Persuasive Writing

Here is a link to some persuasive writing I made about video games

Patterns DLO

Here is a link to a Patterns DLO I made.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Current Events

 A new technology called EnChroma glasses are now available in NZ. These glasses help people with colour blindness and a priced at a minimum of 520 NZ dollars. Here is a link to how EnChroma glasses work.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Maths Art: Tessellations

For maths this week, my class created mathematical art. I choose to do tessellations. Here is a link to some facts about tessellations.
Here is my piece of art:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Persuasive Writing

Last week, our class created some persuasive writing about recycling. I was in a group with a friend or two and we created this piece of persuasive writing.


This week our class learnt about some mathematical art and I choose tessellations. Here is a google drawing I created about tessellations.